当前位置: 面试刷题>> 文本左右对齐(经典算法150题)

### 题目描述 题目:**文本左右对齐** 给定一个字符串(代表一行文本)和一个整数`maxWidth`(表示每行允许的最大字符数,包括空格),要求将该字符串按照以下规则重新排列,使其左右对齐,并返回处理后的多行字符串数组。 - 字符串中的单词由空格分隔。 - 超出`maxWidth`的单词需要被移到新的一行。 - 每行末尾的空格数应该尽可能均匀分布(如果可能),但左对齐是首要条件。 - 如果一行的单词数量只有一个或者没有足够的空格均匀分布,则该行单词左对齐,并在右侧填充空格以达到`maxWidth`。 ### 示例 **输入**: ``` str = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" maxWidth = 16 ``` **输出**: ``` ["The quick brown", "fox jumps over", "the lazy dog"] ``` ### PHP 代码示例 ```php function fullJustify($words, $maxWidth) { $result = []; $line = []; $lineLength = 0; foreach ($words as $word) { $wordLength = strlen($word) + 1; // 加1是因为单词间的空格 if ($lineLength + $wordLength > $maxWidth) { $result[] = justifyLine($line, $maxWidth, count($line) > 1); $line = [$word]; $lineLength = strlen($word); } else { $line[] = $word; $lineLength += $wordLength; } } // 处理最后一行 if (!empty($line)) { $spaces = $maxWidth - $lineLength; $n = count($line) - 1; $result[] = implode(str_repeat(' ', ceil($spaces / $n)), array_slice($line, 0, -1)) . ' ' . end($line); for ($i = 0; $i < $maxWidth - strlen(end($result)); $i++) { end($result) .= ' '; } } return $result; } function justifyLine($line, $maxWidth, $fullJustify) { $n = count($line) - 1; $lineStr = implode(' ', $line); $spaces = $maxWidth - strlen($lineStr); if ($fullJustify && $n > 0) { $extraSpaces = $spaces % $n; $avgSpaces = intdiv($spaces, $n); $justifiedLine = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { $justifiedLine .= $line[$i] . str_repeat(' ', $avgSpaces + ($i < $extraSpaces ? 1 : 0)) . ' '; } $justifiedLine .= $line[$n]; } else { $justifiedLine = $lineStr . str_repeat(' ', $spaces); } return rtrim($justifiedLine); } // 示例用法 $words = explode(' ', "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"); $maxWidth = 16; $result = fullJustify($words, $maxWidth); print_r($result); ``` ### Python 代码示例 ```python def fullJustify(words, maxWidth): result = [] line = [] line_length = 0 for word in words: word_length = len(word) + 1 # 加1考虑空格 if line_length + word_length > maxWidth: result.append(justify_line(line, maxWidth, len(line) > 1)) line = [word] line_length = len(word) else: line.append(word) line_length += word_length # 处理最后一行 if line: spaces = maxWidth - line_length + len(line) - 1 result.append(' '.join(line) + ' ' * spaces) result[-1] = result[-1].rstrip() return result def justify_line(line, maxWidth, full_justify): n = len(line) - 1 line_str = ' '.join(line) spaces = maxWidth - len(line_str) if full_justify and n > 0: extra_spaces = spaces % n avg_spaces = spaces // n justified_line = '' for i in range(n): justified_line += line[i] + ' ' * (avg_spaces + (1 if i < extra_spaces else 0)) justified_line += line[-1] else: justified_line = line_str + ' ' * spaces return justified_line.rstrip() # 示例用法 words = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog".split() maxWidth = 16 result = fullJustify(words, maxWidth) print(result) ``` ### JavaScript 代码示例 ```javascript function fullJustify(words, maxWidth) { const result = []; let line = []; let lineLength = 0; for (let word of words) { const wordLength = word.length + 1; // 加1考虑空格 if (lineLength + wordLength > maxWidth) { result.push(justifyLine(line, maxWidth, line.length > 1)); line = [word]; lineLength = word.length; } else { line.push(word); lineLength += wordLength; } } // 处理最后一行 if (line.length) { const spaces = maxWidth - (line.reduce((sum, word) => sum + word.length, 0) - line.length + 1); result.push(line.join(' ') + ' '.repeat(spaces).slice(0, spaces)); } return result; } function justifyLine(line, maxWidth, fullJustify) { const n = line.length - 1; const lineStr = line.join(' '); let spaces = maxWidth - lineStr.length; if (fullJustify && n > 0) { const extraSpaces = spaces % n; const avgSpaces = Math.floor(spaces / n); let justifiedLine = ''; for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { justifiedLine += line[i] + ' '.repeat(avgSpaces + (i < extraSpaces ? 1 : 0)) + ' '; } justifiedLine += line[n]; } else { justifiedLine = lineStr + ' '.repeat(spaces); } return justifiedLine.trim(); } // 示例用法 const words = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog".split(' '); const maxWidth = 16; const result = fullJustify(words, maxWidth); console.log(result); ``` 以上代码均实现了文本左右对齐的功能,并处理了各种边界情况。